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OCLI Blog – Cataract Surgery

August 29, 2013
August 29, 2013

New Cell Phone App Aims To Correct World Cataract Problems

The PEEK app may significantly improve the way the world treats cataracts. Technology is amazing. Not only have recent technological innovations in the medical industry given us some of the most cutting-edge, state of the art equipment in the world to help improve our eyesight, treat vision disorders and improve our overall quality of life,…

August 21, 2013
August 21, 2013

OCLI Introduces iStent For Cataracts And Glaucoma

This new treatment will help to treat two vision problems in one procedure. There are several different vision problems that develop as part of the natural aging process, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration and cataracts. As we get older, our chances of developing these types of ailments grow and we may even find that symptoms…

August 13, 2013
August 13, 2013

Cataract Surgery Can Help To Decrease Motor Accidents

A new study shows that having cataract surgery can help with road safety. Driving can often times be scary, especially if you live in a place with harsh weather conditions season after season. During the spring and summer months, rain storms can compromise your vision and cause you to have difficulty seeing the roads in…

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