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OCLI Blog – Cataract Surgery

December 2, 2014
December 2, 2014

Introducing DropLess™ Cataract Surgery: The New Approach to Post-Operative Cataract Management

Cataract surgery just became easier with DropLess Cataract surgery, one of the most common surgical procedures in the United States, has come a long way. Long gone are the days of stiches, patches, and lengthy stays at the hospital. Even more exciting, we can now say goodbye to the biggest issue concerning many cataract patients:…

October 2, 2014
October 2, 2014

UV Light May Play A Decisive Role In Cataract Formation

You may think that UV light is merely a problem for your skin, but recent research shows that UV rays can be just as damaging to our eyes as well. It has long been suspected that UV light has a role in the formation of cataracts. Cataracts are formed when the material in the viscose…

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