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OCLI Blog – Cutting Edge

November 14, 2009
November 14, 2009

Avastin vs Lucentis: Genentech Co-Pay Card Program Not Nearly Enough!

I received an e-mail this week from Genentech BioOncology, introducing their new Co-Pay Card Program.  Genentech is the maker of the two drugs I have blogged about involved in the current macular degeneration treatment controversy, Lucentis and Acastin. According to the e-mail: “We are committed to ensuring that all eligible patients have access to the…

November 12, 2009
November 12, 2009

Low Fat Diet: See Better and Look Better

Here is another reason to watch the fat intake.  We have known for years that a low fat diet can aid in weight reduction.  A new study reported in this month’s Archives of Ophthalmology, Association Between Dietary Fat Intake and Age-Related Macular Degeneration in the Carotenoids in Age-Related Eye Disease Study (CAREDS)An Ancillary Study of…

November 3, 2009
November 3, 2009

Gene Therapy Shows Promise in Restoring Vision

There is an interesting article in this month’s Lancet:  Age-dependent effects of RPE65 gene therapy for Leber’s congenital amaurosis: a phase 1 dose-escalation trial.    Results were also reported in yesterday’s New York Times. According to the Lancet article: Gene therapy has the potential to reverse disease or prevent further deterioration of vision in patients with…

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