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OCLI Blog – Cutting Edge

November 25, 2014
November 25, 2014

Eylea Earns FDA Approval to Treat Diabetic Macular Edema

Macula Edema in diabetes is defined as retinal thickening within 2 disc diameters of the center of the macula. It results from microvascular changes that occur in the retina and compromise the blood-retinal barrier. The retina allows you to see fine details clearly. In other words, with Diabetic Macula Edema (DME), the macula – the…

November 20, 2014
November 20, 2014

The Ultimate Advantage of Technology and Ophthalmology

Founded in 2013 by Yaopeng Zhous and Marc Albanese, Smart Vision Labs is the leading edge technology of a joint program between Schepens Eye Research Institute and Boston University. After more than ten years of research, they developed a scanning laser with wave-front sensing in an opthtalmoscope which they hope will help almost one billion…

October 2, 2014
October 2, 2014

UV Light May Play A Decisive Role In Cataract Formation

You may think that UV light is merely a problem for your skin, but recent research shows that UV rays can be just as damaging to our eyes as well. It has long been suspected that UV light has a role in the formation of cataracts. Cataracts are formed when the material in the viscose…

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