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OCLI Blog – EyeCare Topics

April 18, 2014
April 18, 2014

4 Tips For April’s Sports Eye Safety Month + A Helpful Infographic!

In honor of April’s Sports Eye Safety Month, be sure to follow these vision tips! After the long, cold, seemingly-endless winter that we just left behind, kids and parents alike all across the country are beginning to lace up their sneakers, inflate their basketballs and rush outside to enjoy some sports activities in the sunshine.…

April 16, 2014
April 16, 2014

Vision Technology: Google Patents Contact Lenses With Built-In Cameras

Google’s latest patent may show that the future of vision is here! If Google’s latest foray into the world of vision technology through Google Glass wasn’t impressive enough, the tech giant may be taking their futuristic efforts one step further in the coming years. According to Ophthalmology Times, Google has recently filed a patent for…

April 10, 2014
April 10, 2014

Gender Vision Differences: Men And Women Don’t See Eye To Eye

Studies show that there may be a bigger differences between men and women than we thought—including how they see! It doesn’t take a seasoned doctor or psychologist to tell you that there are some significant differences between the genders of male and female. Everything from our body’s basic makeup, to the way we think and…

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