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OCLI Blog – EyeCare Topics

March 4, 2014
March 4, 2014

During March Madness, Remember The Importance Of Sports Eye Safety

Keep your eyes on the game and safe from injury with sports safety glasses. Now that we have officially entered the month of March, some of the most exciting (and competitive) few weeks of sporting  competition are about to kick off, leaving just one accomplished winner crowned at the end of it all. We are,…

February 28, 2014
February 28, 2014

Vision Technology: Traditional Cataract Surgery vs. Laser Cataract Surgery

Comparing traditional cataract surgery with the advanced laser options. Given that cataract surgery is one of the most popular vision procedures performed all throughout the country, with nearly 3 million Americans having this procedure done each and every year, it only makes sense that scientists and doctors would continuously work to improve and perfect the…

February 28, 2014
February 28, 2014

Achieve Your Dreams: Inspirational Eye Exam Printout

To help encourage you to follow your wildest dreams and ambitions this upcoming weekend, here is another fun and inspirational eye exam design to display on your fridge or desk! Simply print out the image above and hang it somewhere where you think you need to be encouraged to achieve your dreams. You can even…

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