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OCLI Blog – General

February 21, 2019
February 21, 2019

New Function for Protein Previously Thought to be Inert is a Game Changer for Cataract Prevention

Scientists studying the biochemistry behind cataract formation have come across a new finding that is bound to revolutionize the way we understand vision impairment.  A protein, previously thought to be inert, is actually playing a highly vital role in preventing cataract formation.  Every lens is composed of cells, packed with structural proteins known as crystallins.…

February 14, 2019
February 14, 2019

Purpose of a Slit Lamp Exam

When you come to OCLI for your initial examination, there is a very likely chance that you will undergo a slit lamp exam as part of the process. We’re going to walk you through the procedure and what the slit lamp exam can show your ophthalmologist.    The exam will begin with the doctor applying a…

February 7, 2019
February 7, 2019

The Link Between Immune Cells and Dry Eye

With so many myths floating around about the cause of dry eye, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with suggestions. From tips ranging from spending less time staring at screens to grabbing an antihistamine due to some mystery allergen. However, new studies are showing that eye dry symptoms could be coming from within your very own body’s immune system.  …

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