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OCLI Blog – General

July 24, 2018
July 24, 2018

New Study: Cataract Surgery Prevents Car Accidents

A new study by JAMA Ophthalmology suggests that drivers who suffer from cataracts have a significantly lower risk of getting into traffic accidents if they have the cataracts removed through surgery. First, what are cataracts? A cataract occurs when the clear lens of the eye, which helps us see by bending light rays that enter…

July 20, 2018
July 20, 2018

Eye Exercises Separating Fact from Fiction

It wasn’t that many years ago that you could turn on the TV to find an infomercial host selling eye exercise programs that claimed to improve near- or far-sighted vision or to correct it altogether. The persuasive sales tactics (that invariably included the glowing testimonials of “actual customers”) often left consumers wondering whether there was…

July 2, 2018
July 2, 2018

All-Season Sun Safety Keeping Your Eyes Under Cover

It generally requires only one painful case of severe sunburn to get the average person to take protective precautions the next time they sign up for some extended fun in the sun.  But while we tend to be more or less aware of the hazards of excessive short- and long-term sun exposure to our skin…

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