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OCLI Blog – General

September 27, 2016
September 27, 2016

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Bifocals

You probably know a couple things about bifocals. You know that your grandparents wear them, and that Ben Franklin invented them. Are those two things true? Absolutely. But bifocals are more than just glasses for the elderly. You might be surprised to learn that plenty of younger adults use bifocals for reading glasses, for one…

September 20, 2016
September 20, 2016

Why Sunglasses Are Important

Everyone loves a good pair of sunglasses during the summer months. They look stylish, and more importantly, they keep the intense sunlight away from your eyes. You may think that’s only important because it helps you drive or spend a day at the beach without squinting, but sunglasses play a much larger role in your…

September 19, 2016
September 19, 2016

Cataract Quiz – Test Your Cataract Knowledge

1. You can prevent cataracts. A) False. Cataracts are a natural clouding of the lenses in your eyes, and while you can reduce your risk for cataracts, there isn’t anything you can do stop this from happening. Roughly half of all Americans develop cataracts by age 80. 2. Close vision use like reading or sewing…

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