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OCLI Blog – Practice News

May 2, 2017
May 2, 2017

Ronald Caronia, MD, Implants The First XEN® Gel Stent To Treat Glaucoma on Long Island

OCLI is proud to announce that well respected glaucoma and laser cataract surgeon Ronald Caronia, MD, has performed the first XEN® Gel Stent procedure on Long Island. This minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) was performed at Island Eye SurgiCenter. The XEN® Gel Stent is a FDA-approved treatment for mild to moderate glaucoma. The XEN® Gel…

April 25, 2017
April 25, 2017

OCLI Answers Your Eye Questions: What is Presbyopia?

What Do You Know About Presbyopia (pres·by·o·pi·a)? It’s a fact: everybody gets old. It seems turning 50 comes with a bouquet of black balloons, corny jokes and strange health complications. Our body begins to change…and sometimes it frustrates and betrays us. Your eyes are no exception. They age as your body ages and changes. A…

April 18, 2017
April 18, 2017

OCLI Answers Your Eye Questions – I was diagnosed with Cataracts

OCLI is experienced in answering any questions our patients or potential patients may have. Whether you’re curious about preventative eye health, treatment options, or have specific concerns about a procedure, we’re more than happy to help. Below, we address a question about cataract diagnosis. Q: I have been diagnosed with cataracts in both eyes. I lead…

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