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OCLI Blog – Seasonal eye care tips

September 10, 2013
September 10, 2013

Use Your FSA/NSA Health Dollars Before You Lose Them in 2014

Make the most out of your Flexible Spending Account dollars before they expire. There are over 20.5 million people aged 40 and over in the United States who are living with Cataracts―one of the most common age related vision problems in the world and also one of the leading causes of blindness. However, while the…

August 27, 2013
August 27, 2013

Back To School: The Importance Of Your Child’s Annual Eye Examination

Be sure to ask your child’s eye doctor these important questions during the exam. The end of August is typically that familiar time of year for parents and children all across the country when they begin saying farewell to the long, warm days of summer and start preparing for the upcoming school year ahead of…

August 8, 2013
August 8, 2013

What Should You Do If You Get Something Stuck In Your Eye?

Always exercise extreme caution when trying to remove something from your eye. The summer season is always full of exciting adventures! Weekends away at the beach building sand castles in the sand, summer little league games with your kids, floating on the boat all day in the sunshine. No matter what your idea of the…

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