New research is challenging the long-held belief that stroke-induced blindness is untreatable and therefore permanent. Though speech and motor impairments following stroke are routinely treated with great success, therapies for recovering vision have historically been thought impossible. Many stroke survivors have been consigned to permanent blindness as a result. Fortunately, a new study demonstrates that…
Could the greatest artistic genius of all time have been aided by an eye condition? That’s the intriguing premise of an analysis of some of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous works. Christopher Tyler, a visual neuroscientist at the City University of London, subjected the eyes of the human figures in six of da Vinci’s most…
GARDEN CITY, NY, (12/20/18) — The Mackool Eye Institute and Laser Center and affiliated entities, Astoria, NY, and New York Eye Surgery Center and affiliated entities, Bronx, NY, are pleased to announce that they have executed Letters of Intent (“LOI”) relating to a potential transaction with OCLI and the related Spectrum Vision Partners, (“SVP”), a…
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The practices of OCLI Vision offer eye care services at locations throughout Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia and specialize in primary vision care, LASIK, cataract surgery, glaucoma, diabetic eye care, and other services for patients in the Northeast.
These locations include practice locations of OCLI Vision as well as the practice locations of other vision services providers and ambulatory surgery centers supported by the administrative services of Spectrum Vision Partners. Each location is identified by the vision service provider or company operating at the location.