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Want Long Lashes? Where to Buy Latisse

May 5, 2010


There certainly has been a lot of interest in Latisse in my office since I first mentioned its approval last year on this blog.

There was an interesting article in May 1's NY Times:  Long Lashes Without Prescription, but With Risks.  This article carefully describes a controversy new to me, the selling of Latisse without a prescription or seeing an eye doc.

It seems there are many places on the web where one can purchase Latisse.  From on-line pharmacies to RNs, to GPs.  Many of these sites will sell the Latisse without the patient being seen or evaluated.  Another business model is for patients to be evaluated by their dispenser, whether it be their GP, plastic surgeon, Ob/Gyn, or facialist!

I just don't get it.  As I remember correctly, I had a total of 1/2 day of ophthalmology while in med school., so how are these people evaluating and dealing with these patients.    I realize there are not many serious complications associated with Latisse, but who better to deal with them than your ophthalmologist:  see him for an initial evaluation, get an Rx, fill it at a pharmacy, and folow-up with the ophthalmologist if you are experiencing any side effects.  At OCLI, if a patient is interested in Latisse, we have a discussion about its pros and cons, and a Rx is written, which can be filled anywhere.  We do not dispense Latisse, we have better things to do with our valuable time!

By the way, he most common side effects after using Latisse solution
are an itching sensation in the eyes and/or eye redness.
This was reported in approximately 4% of patients. Latisse solution
may cause other less common side effects which typically occur on the skin close to where Latisse is applied, or in the eyes. These include skin darkening, eye
irritation, dryness of the eyes, and redness of the eyelids.

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